Yesterday was graduation for the 6th graders at my school in Hwacheon. I went back to Hwacheon in the morning for the ceremony and although I could not follow everything that was happening I was glad I was there. All of the 5th graders also attended the ceremony so it was a great chance to see all the students I taught last semester. The ceremony was really sweet and included a video montage of all my students. It made me realize how much I'll miss having them around. Luckily, I'll be able to work with a few of them again through my FKAK Grant.
Eunchan receiving his diploma. Did I mention kids don't dress up for this. Many students wear wearing sweats. |
The ceremony was particularly important because my host brother, Eunchan, was graduating. I really enjoyed being able to watch and celebrate with his family. In true Korean fashion, celebrating consisted mainly of eating. We went out to eat with his grandparents immediately following the ceremony and then went out to eat with just the family for dinner. It was a nice opportunity to bond with my host family since I am not living with them this month.
My brother and sister at dinner. |
One of the things I learned when talking to my host brother and sister about graduation is that the kids aren't excited about it at all. In fact, no matter what year they are in school they most likely aren't excited to advance to the next grade. This is because every year you are expected to study even more. My host brother is dreading starting middle school because he already studies every night until 10 or 11 and now he will be expected to study even later than this. My sister is also starting her final year in high school and is absolutely dreading it. My parents actually very seriously considered not letting her come to dinner with us to celebrate Eunchan's graduation because they believe she should be studying. She's not even in school currently- she's on vacation! (Although I guess she is still kind of in school because she still lives and boards at the Academy and takes classes there.) I'm not sure I'll ever feel 100% comfortable with the Korean Education System, it just seems too tough on kids.
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